Solar energy viable for everyone

IMEON ENERGY's Public Offering Project

Message from the Management

Dear investors,

« We stand at a societal turning point; it is now acknowledged that we must take control of our energy's future by integrating the notion of sustainable development into all our actions.

The solar energy market is experiencing its highest growth in years. Individuals and industries are investing massively in photovoltaic installations with storage to protect themselves from power outages and stabalize their energy costs.

At IMEON, we possess undeniable competitive advantages that will enable us to be among the global leaders in photovoltaic installations.

Thanks to your investment, you will help us meet the impending massive demand by enabling us to offer the first storage solutions advanced enough to make solar energy viable for everyone.

When the transition becomes evident for individuals and industries alike, we can collectively address the global, social, and environmental energy crisis.

We rely on your investment to nurture a major global player in solar energy, proudly European. »

Christophe Goasguen, FounderAntoine Mathieu, Sales Director

Christophe Goasguen


Solutions already leading their markets

In 10 years, Imeon Energy has become the leading provider in France of solar energy production and storage solutions, capturing over 30% of the French market.

With over 6,000 installations spread across 71 countries, from industrial complexes to private homes, Imeon is a major player in hybrid storage.

50K T CO2

50,000 tons of CO2 avoided at the end of 2023 thanks to our installations

N°1 FR

No. 1 in France with 30% of the French market


6000 solar installations worldwide in more than 71 countries

10 ans

Founded in Brest in 2013, IMEON has been innovating for 10 years


Partner installers all over the world


17 employees including 9 engineers and software experts

Society and its key factors of success

Imeon Energy is a French company, founded in Brest by Christophe Goasguen, an engineer with 15 years of experience in energy production and storage systems.
For 10 years, Imeon Energy has been several steps ahead of the market. They were the first to market hybrid and connected inverters and to develop their own artificial intelligence solution.
Key player, pioneer in the field
International presence
Market-validated system/product
Network of specialized distributors
Efficient system, at the service of the environment
Innovative architecture controlled by a proprietary AI
Control of the production and recycling chain
Three product teams with expertise in hardware, software and AI
Actor in energy transition and efficiency
Double impact: consume less and better
38,000,000 kWh produits par Imeon et 50 000 tonnes de CO2 en moins
Actor in the city of tomorrow and in the stabilization of networks
Multiple levers/growth options for the future
Continued increase in the price of kWh + Increase in demand
Decrease in the price of solar panels
Prospects and new contracts

Market, structuring and goals of growth

In just 10 years, Imeon Energy has established itself as the leader of the French market. Over the next 10 years, Imeon has the opportunity to become one of the world leaders in solar energy storage systems.

Learn more

Global and continuous rise in energy prices for over 23 years

For 20 years, energy prices have been increasing annually. With the recent crises, in the last 3 years, prices have quadrupled for many network users. Since 2000, prices have generally doubled, making it difficult for individuals and businesses to bear.

The explosion of self-consumption among individuals and manufacturers

Continuously increasing since 2016. Analysts such as BloombergNEF agree on an annual increase of 30% per year. The solar energy market, representing 186.2 billion dollars today, is projected to 305.8 billion dollars in 2030.

A French company structured for hypergrowth

Imeon Energy controls a major part of the chain; first of all, the design and marketing of hybrid and intelligent inverters from 3 to 12kW as well as Lithium batteries. Imeon Energy also controls the manufacture of industrial-level solutions (X-Trem).

Becoming a global leader in smart storage solutions

Imeon Energy achieved a turnover of €4M in March 2023 with €750K in net profits. In constant growth since its creation, and profitable since 2019, Imeon Energy projects a turnover of €18M in 2026 then €82M in 2028.

The simplest and most effective solution

The harmony of innovations hardware, software, and AI have allowed us to create a solution that is as effective as it is easy to use.

Easy to use & install
+30% hardware efficiency
X2 battery life
+50% efficiency thanks to AI
Optimization of flows in parallel
Remote monitoring

A proprietary AI at the origin of the most effective solution

IMEON products are among the only ones on the market that work even in the event of a power outage. Combined with intelligent storage and production management, IMEON solutions are the most efficient and profitable on the market.

Hybrid architecture

Produce solar energy, store excess and reinject it at the right time, sell the surplus back to the grid... simultaneously and with a minimum of losses. This is the feat of our patented hybrid architecture, a first on the market as early as 2013.

Artificial intelligence

Developed after 4 years of R&D and trained on +5000 connected installations all over the world, it is impossible to copy. It allows our solutions to double the life of batteries (up to 20 years) and to reach efficiency records.

Backup function

IMEON solutions are among the only ones that function normally even in the event of a power outage. The backup function starts in just a few milliseconds, allowing manufacturers to protect their factory from micro cuts.


All IMEON systems are connected. Our users can monitor their installation remotely. This also makes it possible to optimize storage based on the weather forecast and the user's consumption forecast based on past use.

Automatic updates

Imeon Energy is constantly updating its systems to improve their efficiency or comply with the latest regulations, avoiding the user having to change systems. The updates are automatic (at the user's request) and remotely.

Warranty up to 20 years

The intelligent management of Lithium batteries in IMEON installations as well as the quality of construction of the solutions allow them to offer a unique guarantee on storage that goes up to 20 years, for individuals as well as for manufacturers.

Introduction en bourse d'IMEON ENERGY, les médias en parlent


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Autoconsommation : à Brest, Imeon Energy augmente le rendement des installations solaires grâce à l’IA

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L’autoconsommation avec stockage se démocratise à Energaïa 2023

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La PME de Brest, à l'origine d'une technologie innovante veut la faire rayonner avec son introduction en bourse

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Pour améliorer la performance d’une installation solaire en autoconsommation, Imeon Energy innove non pas sur le panneau photovoltaïque ou la batterie de stockage, mais sur l’onduleur.

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IMEON ENERGY, un pied en bourse pour un pas de géant

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Autoconsommation : à Brest, Imeon Energy augmente le rendement des installations solaires grâce à l’IA

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À Brest, cette entreprise optimise l’énergie solaire grâce à l’intelligence artificielle

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Imeon Energy investit dans le carbure de silicium pour un avenir radieux

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Imeon Energy, l’entreprise brestoise spécialiste du stockage de l’électricité produite en photovoltaïque, investit dans un programme de recherche pour un nouveau composant plus efficace permettant de faire baisser les prix de l’électricité.

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L’opération lui permettra de financer l’élargissement de sa gamme et son développement dans d’autres pays

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Imeon Energy met des cristaux de carbure de silicium dans ses onduleurs photovoltaïques

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Imeon Energy : présentation en avant-première de sa prochaine IPO

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Ils sont les seuls à intégrer une intelligence artificielle qui permet d’améliorer le rendement et la durée de vie des batteries.

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IMEON Energy : Une success story à la française

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A Brest, Imeon Energy prépare la levée de 8M€ en bourse

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Beaucoup de mouvement dans le photovoltaïque en France

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Imeon Energy vise près de 8 millions d’euros pour son entrée en Bourse

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L’entreprise brestoise Imeon Energy vient de dévoiler une "percée technologique remarquable" qui lui permet de proposer des onduleurs photovoltaïques capables de diviser par deux le coût de production de l’énergie solaire

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Interview de Christophe Goasguen par Tébéo

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Imeon veut doper les rendements photovoltaïques avec ses semi-conducteurs

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Documentation relative à l'introduction en bourse d'Imeon Energy

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August 8, 2024
Communiqué de Presse IPO IMEON - EURONEXT GROWTH
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August 8, 2024

Your questions, our answers

What are the goals of Imeon Energy's IPO?

The objectives of Imeon Energy's listing on Euronext Growth are as follows:

1) Growth financing: The IPO will allow us to raise capital to finance our growth and expansion plans. These funds will be essential to accelerate the development of our innovative technologies in the field of solar energy and smart energy management.

2) Strengthen our market position: We seek to strengthen our position as a leader in the solar energy and energy storage solutions industry. The transaction will help us increase our visibility and credibility in the market, which will allow us to better serve our customers and win new contracts.

3) Internationalization: We have international ambitions and we plan to expand our activities into new markets. The IPO will provide us with the resources we need to support this global expansion.

In summary, our main objective is to take advantage of this IPO to finance our growth, strengthen our market position, continue our international expansion and provide liquidity to our shareholders. We are confident that this transaction will contribute to our long-term success as a major player in the clean energy industry.

How to invest in IMEON ENERGY

Please be aware of future investment opportunities by sending your details via the form below on the site. You will thus be among the first to be able to participate in the public offering when it starts.

Public savings appeal project

Sign up to be among the first to have the opportunity to participate in IMEON ENERGY's next public offering.

What our investors say

As part of a Wiseed fundraiser, 756 investors supported us to accelerate our growth.

“2 strengths for this investment: Storage of the electrical energy produced and Management by AI”

Hugues L.
Individual Investor

“The company is focusing its development on the most strategic aspects in terms of engineering to enable the wider deployment of photovoltaics.”

Richard M.
Individual Investor

“I have confidence in the potential of this company”

Jean Francois M.
Individual Investor

“I invested because it seems fair to me to insert money into promising sectors, which ensures our future while maintaining a “protective of the environment” aspect

Thibault B.
Individual Investor

Successful public fundraising of €0.75M from 756 investors on Wiseed.

“I have invested to support small businesses that develop future technologies and participate in sustainable development”

Robert G.
Individual Investor

“Great company, offering alternatives to fossil fuels”

Jean Marc P.
Individual Investor

“The objective is to diversify my investments by investing in promising sectors and by supporting innovation in renewable energies.”

Sebastian S.
Individual Investor

“To avoid the construction of gigantic solar farms, I am choosing an individual installation that will be more economical because there is no transport. We must not shave our woods to install mega-solar power plants.”

Dominique V.
Individual investor

“I believe in this project and in the prosperity of the company”

Julian S.
Individual investor